ISM c/o DHBW Stuttgart
Paulinenstraße 50
70178 Stuttgart
Telephone +49 711 1849 – 745
Telefax +49 711 1849 – 739
Directors Prof. Dr. Marc Kuhn, Prof. Dr. Matthias Rehme
Representative authority
Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG für Technologietransfer (StC)
Adornostr. 8
70599 Stuttgart
Telephone +49- (0)711/ 18 39-5
Telefax +49- (0)711/ 18 39-700
Foundation register: Registergericht Stuttgart HRA 12 480
Komplementär: Steinbeis Verwaltungs-GmbH, Registergericht Stuttgart HRB 18 715
Board of directors: Prof. Dr. Michael Auer (Vorsitz), Dipl.-Kfm. Manfred Mattulat
USt.-Ident.-Nr.: DE190606404
Responsible for editorial content
Prof. Dr. Marc Kuhn
Image material
Prof. Dr. Marc Kuhn
Liability for content on our website
The content of our website is created with the utmost care. We can however give no guarantee that it is correct, complete and up to date. Contributions with the name of an author reflect that author’s opinion only, which may not be the same as that of the provider.
According to Section 7, paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz), we as the service provider are responsible for our own content on our website, according to the general legislation.
According to Sections 8 to 10 of the German Telemedia Act, we are not obligated to either monitor third-party information that is only passed on, conveyed or saved by us, or actively search for evidence of illegal activities. We are however obligated to remove or block content or information, as well as block the use of our website, if legal provisions require this. We are only liable from the point at which we are made known of a legal violation. As soon as we learn of a legal violation, we will remove the content in question from our website as quickly as possible.
Liability for links
Our website contains links to external web pages of other providers. All sites linked are checked for legal violations when establishing the link. No violations have been found. It is however not possible for us to constantly monitor the content of linked websites. Please note that we have no influence over the content of the pages of other providers to which we have linked. The operator is solely responsible for their content. We therefore assume no liability for the content of linked pages.
In the event that we receive reliable evidence of a legal violation on a linked web page, we will check it and remove the link as quickly as possible in the event that a legal violation is established.
All content published on our website and all works of any kind are subject to German copyright law. Any processing, reproduction, distribution or exploitation of this material requires the written permission of the respective creator (e.g. author, photographer) or copyright holder. Downloads and copies may only be used for personal (non-commercial) purposes.