Charging infrastructure still inadequate, with positive exceptions
18.06.2019 by Hagen Lang
450 charging stations were tested by students of the DHBW Stuttgart for the “E-Hunter” study, which determines the expansion and quality of today’s charging infrastructure. The infrastructure in four German states and international trips to Amsterdam, Paris, Venice and Austria provided the data basis for the evaluation.
The study will be officially presented on June 26th at the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Stuttgart, but results have already been announced: Baden-Württemberg achieves top marks for availability, Bavaria for accessibility and Rhineland-Palatinate particularly poor marks for directions to the charging station.
Across all regions, a considerable need for improvement was identified in terms of payment options and cost transparency: Only 10 percent of 293 charging stations allowed payment by credit card, which, according to the study authors, would make travel across Europe with the electric car “as difficult as possible”. At only 16 per cent of the charging stations the developing costs could be completely reconstructed at all.
Low budget offerers such as Freshmile were particularly negative in addition in punkto security, cleanliness and barrier liberty with all tests, so the DHBW Stuttgart in its press release.
In summary, the study’s directors Prof. Dr. Marc Kuhn, Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaapkte and Prof. Dr. Harald Mandel agreed on the following statement: “The public charging infrastructure must be made significantly more attractive and customer-friendly. Individual operators and regions are already setting a good example here!
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